Friday, June 8, 2018

Avila beach

I love the ocean. Like, really love it. I should leave near one. 
Life goal: live near a beach. 

Even though the water was freezing, the kids went in. 

I actually got sand toys this time so they had options. Baby R prefers to stay sand side right now. 

Conner started throwing mud at Beckham, and I got in on the action. It was fun! But there are no pictures because that wouldn't have ended well for me. 

This kid changed in and out of her suit like 6 times. She gets really cold quick but can't stand to stay out of the fun! 
After the beach we stopped and got strawberries. So GOOD! 

And I don't know where this kid goes when I take pictures of everyone, so I snapped one of him in the car on our way home. 

Why does he look so old?
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1 comment:

CathyAnne said...

I love the ocean too Meggan. Great photos of a fun day. Thanks for posting photos of this and all your other adventures.