Sunday, November 17, 2019

Riding the crazy train

It’s kind of funny, when you just ride the wave of chaos, it doesn’t bother you as much. I don’t know what’s happened today, but the kids were still insane and I was ok. Church was the same 3 ring circus. Coming home was the same fighting and crying mess it always is, but I’ve been ok. 

We have sat in the foyer two Sundays in a row. There were horsey rides (which I don’t condone), too many trips to the bathroom, too loud talking, hanging all over me, and I didn’t get mad. I cared, and I spoke to the rotten behaving kids. 

But then a weird thing happened. The Spirit told me it was ok. That the kids would be ok despite not paying attention to church and that they would remember us being together. 

And I was ok. 

After this picture I put my phone away and watched the kids play. Watched them fight and cry and get over it. I watched them run around the house like a herd of elephants. I played Blokus with Beckham and a side challenge of Raegan. 

I’ve made dinner and awful no bake cookies. And I’ve been at peace today. I wish I had a playbook for exactly how this happened so I can just have it on repeat. 
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