Monday, December 30, 2019

My random-ness

My friend Jenna and I go to the gym together. Since we have been on Christmas break with the kids, we have gone later than normal which means we've got light when we normally don't. I thought the fog sitting in front of us was really cool so I took a picture...cause it will last longer. 

I have really been loving Kitkat lately, even though she's been kind of a pain. She's had a good time playing on the chairs and she's pretty so I took her picture. Haha

I saw this on an instagram story the other day. It fits me. I don't hide emotion well so you know how i feel basically anytime. Thinking about it though...I could probably really soften up when it comes to my kids. I hold them to a high standard that gets in the way of how I feel about them. I really should work on that. #noexcuses2020

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