Friday, October 16, 2020

The last gets a first

 Our family has had a few close calls in the injury department. We’ve probably even had stitches in some kids, but did a home DIY with glue and butterfly stitches. Maybe it’s because I’m older, maybe it’s because I’m manning this ship alone, but the last kid earned the first staple for an injury. 

I’ve picked up walking as cardio, consistently. To do that, I had to get a stroller because Raegan has to go with me and I need zero excuses for cardio outside of me despising

This was the beginning of our walk. The older sister wanted to come and I let her even though I didn’t want to add the extra time to my walk. (Goals people, goals) So we were walking along and the girls were playing some game and Raegan flung herself back and split her head on the pavement. 

Caitlyn hates blood and vomit and all things nasty human, but head wounds bleed and she needed to pull through for me and she did, with a slight scolding. 

One staple later and a very pleasant urgent care trip and she was good as new. She didn’t cry when the doctor put the staple in so she earned herself a new baby doll. I’d like to go a lot more time before an injury that requires professional happens again. 

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