Tuesday, June 17, 2008

On my own

Well Hellooooooooooooo! Today marks the first official day of Mr. Hubby traveling. He left for Vegas this morning. Yay him! He won't be back until at least Saturday...kinda sad. So I will have to rough it on my own with a child, cat, dog, and possibly another foster dog. (Update on Brinley, she was officially adopted last Tuesday by a guy that works at Hill Air Force Base.) OK, back to the point. So yea...and Chris leaves for Maine on Wednesday night. So there will only be two Cats in the state of Utah...weird I know. Lol...needless to say I think my father in law and I are going to have some quality bonding time. :)

B and I went to the park today. I'd say we were there for a good hour. Some other kids showed up and he played with them, while I listened to their grandfather talk about Vietnam, his kids, his retirement and other things. I was able to share that experience with a grandmother that was there also. It was a nice time. Hot, but nice. It was 95 here yesterday and I think it's going to reach at least that today. So I figure if I want to walk in the morning it has to be earlier than 8. It was too warm by then. I guess I could just suck it up and go. I'll just have to bring lots of water.

The rest of the week is going to be fairly busy I think. I got the number of a girl that babysits from her mom at church. I'm going to give her a call and have her come over so I can meet her. Play date at the park Thursday afternoon. Dentist appointment Thursday.Enrichment is Thursday night. Job interview on Friday. So I'd say I really need to call that girl....considering NO ONE is around to watch the munchkin:) Ok I'm really rambling....so till the next ramble,
Pin It!


Undaunted said...

Hey you, We head home on the 27 or 28th next week. You can come to my house anytime. :) It is dang hot there in Boise and the fountain sound great! I hope your hubby does okay in Vegas. Hopefully he will be to tried for anything. Love Ya Stacie

Undaunted said...

How is everything going? I haven't talked to you in Forever! I hope you are doing okay. :) Stacie