Monday, March 21, 2011

I don't know how long I'll last

Wow this winter is drrrraaaggggiiiiinnnng. And, quite frankly,  I have nothing interesting to speak about today. So I guess I'll just put some more pictures because that's what I've been doing. 

And as a side brother in law is involved with the Libya stuff via the navy, so if you could keep them in your thoughts/prayers that they are safe and can come home quickly that would be mighty kind o' ya! 

 You see her staring? Yea,...this stare had me back step behind the safety of our complex' fence!

These are from Cook Inlet. It sits right next to the airport so the planes come and go right there. It's really neat how up close and personal you get.
Pin It!


Nana S. said...

And today is his B'day too.....praying for his (their) safety. Your pictures are great.

Katrina said...

Nice pictures Meg , I love the moose just think of all the wild life your seeing out there that is awesome. Enjoyed seeing you all yesterday on Skype, everyone looks great.

Matt said...

You do awesome Meg. Your pictures came out great. I know the winter has sucked but I couldn't imagine doing it with out you. I appreciate you putting up with me and my job craziness. Proud of you and love you very much.

Jen said...

man Alaska is beautiful. and you're brave to be busting out that camera for those moose!!

Thanks for the prayers.

love you!

Jenn said...

Your pictures are AMAZING!! I could show you pictures of my yard, but weeds and dry patches of dirt don't look good in any light.

Your brother and his unit, and all of your family will be in my prayers. It's a brave thing he's doing, and my family is especially grateful for our soldiers. Keep us posted.