Saturday, January 15, 2022

1/9 - 1/15

 This week was super busy! 

How did it start out? It started with me trying to get myself ready and do my hair for church. 

That’s my hair. It burned. I literally didn’t know that someone like me would have this happen. I never do my hair. Ever. And I probably won’t ever again. Lol. 
Thank goodness it was under a layer of hair and it can grow back without me watching it. 
Oh, and Beckham saw the whole thing so we get to share this memory. 

Conner was ordained into the priesthood. Beckham was able to do it and it was a really special moment for me, and I think Beckham too. Conner was super nervous to pass the sacrament but after he did it he said it wasn’t that bad. 

I went to Utah for a few days and saw my sister and Trent. I got to hang out with baby Ivy while her mom worked and her Dad got some sleep. 

I love that cute baby and she is growing so quick. 
Trent and I ate the most delicious empanadas in Park City. So good. I want them again. I came home early from my visit because we had snow projected at home and I didn’t really want to be stuck in UT with my kids relying on others to watch them. Our area didn’t get snow but Charlotte did. It was a good call to go back even though I missed out on another day there. 

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