Monday, April 28, 2008

Spring has arrived in Utah. Well for a few days anyway:) It is very strange here how the seasons can change overnight. We have beautiful weather for 2 days or so and the next's snowing! This flower is from my in-laws tree in their front yard. I should have taken a picture of the dandelions that are taking over the yard...but why show the world that scary scene:) We had an OK weekend. M worked the whole time, well 90% of the time, and 5% was dedicated to golf that he shouldn't have played. And the other 5% was sleep. I spent my Saturday doing laundry and visiting with Grammy Rose. The Dr. she saw upped her medication and it seems to be helping her alot. We spent most of the day doing yard work. She played some soccer with B. She really enjoys him I think. I was able to snatch a photo of my father-in-law actually doing MANUAL LABOR!!!! So here is the proof!
Amazing I know!
So by the end of the day everyone was rather tired. B swung in the swing for a while. And we just chilled out. But his grandmother thought it would be funny to stick a pull-up on his head like a helmet! B thought it was great. I almost think she's losing it more than Grammy R.!

So now I'm "thinking" about getting ready for my trip. I actually made it to the gym today. I'm hoping that I'll miraculously lose 5 lbs by Wednesday! Yuh! One can hope I guess. I do alot better eating wise when M works nights. I should just kick him out of the house I guess:) ANYWAY....I don't imagine I will post again for at least 3 weeks. So till then
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1 comment:

Undaunted said...

Megg that is a good look for Beck :) at least he is not wearing your underware as "hair" yet! Good job on the gym. I sweated too. Now I stink :P oh well. I will see you next saturday. Have a great trip out and be brave. Love ya Stacie